
14457133700_59462ae49e_cStanley Ayodeji is a mountain of a man. Standing over 18’7″ in his cotton socks, the usual reaction of anyone meeting Stan for the first time is – “My god, I thought they were joking!” Stan strides the world like a colossus.

Stan spent the best part of his childhood growing up in the heart of Nottingham, a culturally diverse city  known for its lace industry, Robin Hood, football, cricket, and a poetic rainbow of beliefs, cultures and rich heritage.

He was raised on a popular council estate and lived with his family in a maisonette – the type of accommodation featured in Damage Limitation. He now lives in Manchester where he works as a school teacher in a specialist mental health setting. Stanley writes and performs poetry, and has won several awards for storytelling. He has also published a captivating collection of poetry After The Riot, Quiet!, and is in the process of writing  his second novel.

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